Wednesday, June 16, 2010

They'll never let it go

Whenever transexual former MP Georgina Beyer is mentioned in the newspaper, it is always that.
"transexual MP" and recently my colleague wrote "sex change politician".
I don't get why people won't let the fact that she had a sex change go.
Why does it need to be mentioned in every single piece of news?
It's no longer important.
The sex change happened, she was a man and now she's not and that's the end.
Why can't she be known for something more than her past?
I don't think it's fair on Georgie girl to always have that brought up.

Also, I'm not sure if it's irony but it was pretty bloody annoying that after meeting a fire fighter yesterday, last night our smoke alarms went off TWICE in the middle of the night.
Considering the firefighter talked about smoke alarms as well as talking about getting paged at 12:30am and the way it messes up a person's body clock.
Yea... I know now, thank you universe.
It wasn't that the batteries needed changing coz they're fine so I'm not sure what the problem was. There was no smoke and no fire. Just a bloody annoying wake up call.
The only time I will forgive smoke alarms going off is when there IS A FIRE.
Waking me up for nothing makes me tired and frustrated.


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