Friday, February 19, 2010

Honesty, is such a lonely word

"Born into Nixon I was raised in hell" - Green Day.
I dunno why I wanted a quote but I really like that line. I don't even know why coz I wasn't born into Nixon!
I was born into Bush senior if we're talking America.

It is my strong belief that on meeting people, you should be honest.
I have recently begun talking to a guy. Although he's seven years older than me, there is a chance he is a prospective lover.
He's a nice guy, pretty funny as well as being a musician.
We talked last night about tattoos.
As you will all know, I love ink. I just got a new piece a few days ago which is, by the way, gorgeous!
It was of great unfortunateness that I found out this guy doesn't like tattoos.
He finds them tacky and generally pretty gross.
This made me feel kinda sad coz he seems great in all other areas.
So when it came to the time when he asked "so... do you have any?"
I wanted to say no.
The reason for this is because I didn't want to ruin the new friendship we'd started as well as any chance of a future relationship.
In the end I just said "maybe" to which he replied "yes, you do?"

The thing is, regardless of what I told him, he would eventually find out the truth and hate me and my tattoos.
Tattoos are not an easy thing to lie about because they will always be there so I told the truth, even though I knew he wouldn't like it.
Thing is, what if he sees mine, sees they're pretty, not tacky and MAYBE grows to like them.
At least now he knows I have them, he can base his future opinions on honest, truthful information.
That's another thing a friend told me once. If you lie to someone, you are giving them information which is not the truth. You are spreading false information.
Which means when the person you lied to goes somewhere and talks to someone else, that person may think the information is true and spread it further OR they will think the person who told them the information is a moron or a liar.
Which is why I don't lie.

Plus, do I want someone in my life who doesn't like me for me?
Part of me is my tattoos, they will be forever with me and they are a huge part of my life.
If someone dislikes you for telling them the truth about yourself or dislikes a part of you, are they worth it?

My favourite band is My Chemical Romance. This is a well known fact amongst the people who surround my life.
Thing is, a lot of people, for reasons unknown to me, dislike this band.
Whether it is for their look, their lyrics or their sound, as soon as they are mentioned, the hate comes POURING in.
This is something I can sometimes feel reluctant to talk about because of the hate which has, in the time I've loved them, gone with mentioning them.
But these guys save my life every time I hear them.
They have always reminded me that life is okay even if you're not.
And to never be afraid to keep on living.


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