Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Missing

Everyone's looking but you're nowhere to be found,
Only you know where you are,
Questions float around our minds,
Did you run away to start a new life?
Did someone take you?
Are you alive or dead?
Your family is worried, they love you,
They want you to come home,
They want you to be safe,
But there is no comfort for them, no resolution,
No clues, no leads,
You're just gone, the police conceed,
Millions of kilometres of bush land,
Millions of litres of ocean,
You could be anywhere.
There is no rest for us, 
No rest until you're home.

Author's note: For everyone who has ever known someone who has gone missing, whether they vanished for a day, a month, a year or forever. Sometimes there are clues, sometimes a person disappears without a trace, either way, it's hard to lose someone you love, particularly if you're not able to get closure about where someone is or what happened to them. I hope this gives you something.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A haiku: Pohutakawa

Walking red carpets,
Summer Wellington streets.

Author's note: A haiku is a Japanese style of poem. They usually have three lines with 10-17 syllables. It's supposed to be a show not tell style of writing, after all, there's not much you CAN tell in 17 syllables. I think every Wellingtonian will know this image, without much telling.

Monday, January 2, 2012

A self portrait

Her bright blue eyes stare into mine,
They pierce my soul with their intensity,
They are a window into her mind,
An often brilliant place, where dreams do come true,
But not always, sometimes darkness fills her mind,
A darkness that extinguishes all beauty, all light,
A blanket of blackness and negativity take over,
Blackness that cannot be easily pushed aside or lightened.
Her eyes are the most beautiful, sunny day,
There's not a cloud in the sky,
Her eyes portray a life she wished she had,
A life and a happiness that is not a lie.