Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spiders in the bathroom

I wish they were metaphorical spiders in a metaphorical bathroom but unfortunately, this is not the case.
There was a spider in my bathroom this morning.
I cannot pee with a spider in my bathroom.
So I had to wait for an hour until mum woke up so she could escourt the spider out of my bathroom.
The little bastard could jump also.

On bathrooms: The bathroom at my place of learning/work has recently had a sign pinned up onto the wall that gives instruction on how to hand wash. This is beneficial because some people at this place of work/learning DO NOT wash their hands. It was disgusting and shocking. Sometimes I feel like saying to them "hey, are you missing something?"
So I was in the bathroom just before, about I dunno 15 minutes ago and a girl comes in behind me and we go to the stalls, pee then we come out at the same time.
Now, she is at the basin and instead of not washing her hands at all, she runs them under cold water.
That is, as they say, IT.
No more, no less.
With instructions on the wall as to how to wash your hands, you would think maybe she'd wash more thoroughly or at least use soap.
I don't care if people don't go through the 10-15 hand washing steps or take 40-120 seconds to wash their hands, I just care that they use soap and at least pretend like they care about having clean hands.
I don't know, maybe her situation was different, maybe she'd just washed her hands five minutes before I saw her so her hands weren't "visibly dirty" as the hand washing sign says they need to be but she had just used the bathroom which means they may be covered in germs anyway.

I'd like to apologise to anyone who reads this blog on how I have been quiet lately, I've been really busy. This week is my last week at this place of learning/work so there is a literal shitload of work that needs to be completed before I can leave and move on with my life.
There have also been other things going on with bands and stuff that have really kinda broken me that have been really important but things I don't really want to talk about coz talking about them makes me feel them again.

On a brighter note, I have become the singer of a non serious band.
I can't sing for balls as I continue to realise now I'm trying to practise the songs but maybe with practise I will get better. I certainly hope so!
I'm looking forward to it.


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