Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ghosts and Taylor Lautner

Mum recently went to see a psychic/medium.
I've always had the utmost respect for John Edward, a television medium who has a show on Vibe called Crossing Over.
I think the way he changes people's lives by brining their dead loved ones closer to them is great. It's a very emotional process that can sometimes be surprisingly funny but is always empowering.

I'm not a skeptic but there's a problem when it comes to believing any of the stuff the medium told my mother.
Sure, it seemed as if the woman knew what she was talking about, bringing through my nana and my great aunty aswell as mum's unborn son (before me, so I would have had an older brother of about 20), but I guess my problem is I don't like the idea of my dead relatives watching me in everything I do.

I'm sure I can often feel their presence late at night, it gets cold and I hear tapping on the walls, footsteps in the hallway and feel often as if someone is standing over me watching me.
I have to add here that I don't like the thought of spirits, particularly people I loved and admired, watching me in my more private moments, particularly involving nakedness.
There are some decisions people make or acts a person performs that they would never do in front of their grandparents for the pure fact their grandparents would be shocked and unimpressed.
Sexual acts for instance, with one self (which we now like to call Taylor Lautner (don't ask)) or with another are private and times when I would like to hope ghosts/spirits are not present, as well as, of course, in the shower.

I also don't like that mum brings up the medium on all occasions now. Just before, I got out my keyboard to type out this blog and she said "oh, are you writing a book?" and I said "uh... no why?" and she was quiet so I said "Oh... Let me guess, the medium told you" and she said yes and then with certainty "you will write a book and get published."
A ridiculous idea because I don't plan to ever write a book. I don't have the talent or the ideas to do so.

Anyway, that was all.

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