Monday, February 1, 2010

Being aware

This morning I was on a bus.
I have had many an experience on busses including a driver who was intent on killing people.
The reason I caught a bus for the distance of 10-15 minutes instead of walking is because it is cold today and it is half raining so my hair would have gotten wet.
I have begun to straighten my hair lately so if it gets wet, it screws up and goes fuzzy and curly.
So anyway, I was sitting on the bus in the left column of seats.
In the right column of seats, just across from me was a man.
Yes, a man. Many of you will have experienced these "men" creatures. They're quite entertaining at times (more later).
So this man is all good just sitting with his little headphones on but then he pulls out a bag from his backpack.
And he begins picking at a chicken.
It's dead and cooked (obviously) so he's just eating away at this chicken.
Problem is, I'm a vegetarian.
Now, you ask, what the fuck is the problem? Not like he offered me any of his chicken.
You see, I don't like to preach my eating beliefs onto people, I believe people should eat whatever they want, it's their own grave.
BUT at 8:30am, the smell of meat makes me want to throw up.
Usually I can be around meat eaters just fine as long as their meat doesn't smell too strongly.
BUT we're in a bus. A bus is a confined space with hardly any windows.
And I was sitting just metres away from chicken man.
I think honestly, it was very inconsiderate of him to be eating hot food on a bus ANYWAY, I'm pretty sure that's against the rules of busses.
But the fact it was meat and it smelt AWFUL, made things so much worse.
So I guess the bus will smell of chicken for the rest of the day.
By the way, who the FUCK eats a whole roast chicken on a bus at 8:30am?!
In fact, who the fuck can eat a whole roast chicken by themselves?
So basically, I felt extremely ill because of the inconsiderate nature of this chicken man.
So I think people should be aware. Be aware that eating a roast chicken on a bus infects the whole bus with the smell of the chicken and that some people really don't like chicken and even if they do, do they want to smell it first thing in the morning? No, no, NO, I don't think so.

So anyway, enough about chicken, let's talk about men.
As previously stated, they're kinda weird, fuzzy, little creatures.
I've recently become friendly with a few of these aliens.
Before this, I was only acquaintances of this other gender but now I have a guy I talk to almost every day so I guess we're like friends.
Apart from when I was like 5 or so, I haven't really had all that much experience with guys.
For the majority of my so far short life, I have mostly had female friends, as for relationships, well, let's not go there at this point and time.
Of course I went to a bi-gender school so I have experienced guys in a controlled environment but I've never really experienced them in their natural habitat.
So I know how to be friends with girls, it's second nature but when it comes to being friends with guys, I ask, what do I do? How do I act? Do I have to do anything differently? Am I insane for thinking it's a huge, scary task?
This guy friend and I talk about music a lot because we happen to enjoy the same type of music and he provides me with music by bands I'd never previously heard of and end up loving.
Admittedly, I kinda miss him when we don't talk, just like I miss all my friends.
Just so we're clear at this point, he has a girlfriend (who probably dislikes me because I'm female and talk to her boyfriend), so there's nothing lovey in this, it's just a friendship.
I like his girlfriend, I think she's a nice girl and a good fit for him. In fact, as long as I've known him, I've liked most of his girlfriends, with one exception (I just didn't like her in general).
In saying that I've known him a long time, I have but we only just recently started talking more often.
Anyway, see, that's the weird thing about being friends with guys, does every girl feel like they have to clarify that they are "just friends" with the guys? Do people even get suspicious at all of what's going on or is everyone just paranoid?
I've learnt from this friendship that guys just want people to understand (I say people because I mean girls but I guess they could want guys to understand as well) the things they like.
I guess girls often want to try to make guys understand as well but in a female to female friendship, this understanding is often already there.
In saying that though, I often don't understand why females tend to have an obsession with make-up. The majority of females don't look any different with or without the stuff. So even as a female, that little thing is lost on me.
But anyway, with this guy, I've been attempting to understand the huge world that is sport.
This guy enjoys sport of all kinds but as a female, I feel like in some ways, the whole sporting world is a bit lost on me.
But the thing I like about this guy is that he is trying to help me understand.
I'm sure most guys who know about the specialised subject of sport will try to help but some will be too elitist to bother.
When he talks about cricket for example, I try to ask questions when I don't understand and he answers the questions without taking the piss or anything like that, even if it's a stupid question that EVERY man knows the answer to.
Also, I do realise that not ALL guys like sport, which is fine too but I have a feeling that there is a large majority who do.
He understands that girls in general, not all girls but most, don't have a good understanding of sport, cricket in particular.
I don't really try to make him understand anything in my life because I don't feel like there is anything so feminine in my life that a man wouldn't understand it.
I don't wear make-up which is a big girly thing so I can't explain that to him and at the moment I can't think of any other female traits that I have that need explaining.
Plus, this guy has a lot of girl friends as well as a girlfriend who he could ask if he needed clarification on any of this unimportant crap.
So yea, the point is, I'm being accepting of the fact he likes sport.
To be friends with him, you have to be accepting of that.
And you have to be willing to hear about sport and learn about it so hearing about it doesn't end up dull and confusing.
Friendship involves give and take so by me understanding what he's telling me, we're going to end up on a good level.
So my message is that if you have friends, you probably have them because you try to understand and relate to the things they like and why.
Most of my friends are heavily into music and they've shaped me through teaching and stuff, to enjoy music as well on so many different levels.
Music has helped me relate to my friends because it's something we can share and something we all understand and enjoy.

Now I'm just rambling, sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a post! First of all, Chicken Man. Who the HELL eats a cooked chicken on a bus, on their own at 8:30am?! I agree with you on this. There is something very odd about this man. Maybe he was just hungry and that was the best answer to his hunger problem at the time. But still...very odd.
    Then again, I think if the smell was bothering you that much, you could have moved seats. I don't know how full this bus was. Maybe you couldn't?

    Having male friends is a topic I have a lot of worries over. Unlike you, I went to an all girls school. I have a sister who I'm very close to and two brothers, one MUCH older than me and one MUCH younger, so I've never had much experience with guys. I have SOME male friends, but very few (and in all honesty, they don't act like your typical guy anyway lol). So I feel what your saying. How do you talk to guys? What do they want to hear? Can you treat them like female friends?

    I think acceptance of peoples interests is true to all friendships. I have friends who live completely different lives than I do. Some, I don't even agree with. But when you have friends, you love them anyway.
