Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rainy days and Mondays

I just spent 10 minutes shuffling the coloured note paper on my desk so I don't get sick of the colour I write notes on so I have a wide variety of colour often.
They could probably do with arranging so there is one piece of each colour one after another but I don't have that much time on my hands.

I've just been reading a book about wine, the history of it so I can write about the author. A few more cups of tea and I may be able to get through it without snoring but I doubt that.
Yes, tea. Because work is out of coffee. I prefer tea in some ways, I like that I can add sugar to it where as I was weaned off sugar in coffee so I only take sugar when I'm SUPER tired and need the sugar buzz as well as the caffiene buzz.
I've heard tea has more caffiene anyway so that could be a bonus.
But I'm super tired and a book about wine is bound to put any sane person to sleep in negative 5 minutes.

It's raining where I am today. Winter, it is a comin' and I can feel it in my bones or something.
Wearing like 10 layers of clothes and am still cold. Fuck this fucking shit.
I hate doing anything on rainy days, I should go drive 45 minutes away to speak to someone but it's too cold to even get in the car and all the company cars have bad wipers that need replacing so it just makes the journey dangerous.
Plus, who wants to drive to some shitsplat town 45 minutes away from civilisation, not that you can really call the town I currently reside in "civilisation".

I'm beginning to hate my flat, I want to live alone so I can cut the small talk on days when I don't feel like talking.
Last night I made dinner, had no idea what I was going to make but made a stirfry with noodles and then after we had eaten, my flatmate mutters to herself "what's for dinner", real sarcastic like, so fucking rude.
Just coz I don't eat meat, she thinks she's so hard done by but she won't let us cook seperately coz there's more electricity and more dishes. Well if I clean my own dishes and you clean yours it'll be all good.
I don't want to have to cater to her and eat or even cook meat, it's foul and after 2 and a half years, it's just too much to ask.
I love my lifestyle, I don't want to fuck it all up because she's being a fussy bitch.
I sometimes make stuff with pastry etc and she's all "I'm on a diet, I can't eat it" and same with cheese.
Fuck that shit, it's the only fucking thing I can eat, give me a fucking break dude.
Oh and she doesn't eat pasta, talk about getting rid of my staples.

I worked Saturday last week so I didn't have to work Monday but then that fucked up my whole schedule coz I have things I do on Monday and I couldn't do them so everything was running late and people were angry.
I hate Monday's as much as rainy days. As the Carpenters or someone sang, rainy days and Monday's always get me down.
Actually, I may have called a post the same thing before.
But it has made the week go significantly faster because of skipping that shitty day.
Also, it was pay week this week. We get paid once a fortnight so pay week is always my favourite.
But the fucking government are raising GST so I feel entirely fucked when it comes to living coz I can't really afford to live much anymore.
My pay looks great coz it's my first job but it's not actually great, in fact, it's quite shit.
I need a new bed but will have to save up for one coz I can't afford to buy one straight off the bat. I should have gotten more money this pay coz I worked extra hours! Fuck it's all a piece of shit conspiracy.
I'm so tired I'm talking absolute shit.
I wonder if is still around, it was pretty good in it's time.
If it is it's probably blocked on work computers like every other cunting website.

This blog sounds like it was written by Holden Caufield, if you don't know who that is, you are my hero. He's a fucking shitty character from the biggest literary disaster of all time by JD Salinger (who is now dead thank goodness so he can't write anymore awful books, pretty sure this was the only one he wrote anyway, biggest one hit wonder of all time) The Catcher In The Rye.
He swears every 2 words or so and is so fucking angsty it's unbelieveable.
And oh goodness he uses the worst grammar and spelling and uses capitals everywhere and it's fucking ridiculous.

Thanks for listening.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww... I love it. I love it, I love it, I love it. :D Seriously, I don't want to be mean or anything, but it is so fucking HILARIOUS when you start being pissed off about everything. So entertaining!
    But I know how you feel: it's raining over here, as well. And it is fricking cold, too. Apparently, it's meant to be summer in the northern hemisphere, but global warming let me down...
    xoxoxoxox Sabrina
