Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I was talking to someone last night and he told me his mum often looks over his essays at uni coz she has "written a fair few essays in her time".
It made me think, my parents probably have never written ONE essay between them.
Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of my dad for all he's done as a property developer, building the first and only load bearing straw bale house in the Wairarapa, even if some of his ventures did leave him bankrupt.
And my mum, I love her to death and I always will and she's had years of experience in a variety of different jobs but neither of them are academically intelligent.
If I went to either of them and asked them to read an essay I'd written, neither of them would know what to do with it.
I felt somewhat jealous of this person because his parents are clearly intelligent people who are university educated, hence why he himself is so intelligent.
Would I have been any smarter if my parents had been university educated as opposed to highschool dropouts?
Would my mind work faster?
Like I said, I do love my parents for their achievements but I can't help but wonder if they could have made me better by bettering themselves.
I know a lot about building and stuff because I asked a lot of questions of dad and he was willing to teach me what he knew.
But if I had parents who had gone to university, maybe asking questions of them would have been more fruitful for me in my future professions.
Mind you, I have heard from someone else who has highly academic parents that sometimes he feels dumb compared to them.
And he is anything but dumb, he's one of the most intelligent people I know but because his parents were always smarter, they had the ability to put him down and make him feel stupid.
They would patronise him about the things they knew that he didn't etc.
Maybe I'm lucky to have the parents I have and I do love both of them a lot.


1 comment:

  1. You ARE intelligent for Goodness' sakes!
    And if your parents would have gone to uni, they be different people and you'd be a different person, of course. But that doens't necessarily be a good thing.
    Many employers in my country now tend to look for people who have worked in their lives rather than been to uni, because uni people often are great when it comes to thinking and "being intelligent", but have a lack of practical experience. So both has its upsides and downsides.
    But you are a great person the way you are. And that your parents haven't been to university doesn't mean that you can't learn the same stuff as the guy with the uni-parents.
