Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Rainbow

You came into my life like a rainbow,
I was stuck in the middle of a storm but then out came the sun,
And there you were.

You dazzled me with your array of colours,
Colours I’d never seen in nature before,
You were so beautiful I was overwhelmed with emotion.

You stuck around for a while,
As did my smile,
But then you were gone again all too soon.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet all faded to grey,
But I did not mourn that you were gone,
I gave thanks that you lit up my life for as long as you were here.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so that one is even prettier to listen to (when you read it out loud) than the one before. I love the last two verses especially, they describe exactly what people ideally - in the best of all possible worlds - should feel when being left (behind) by someone else. They should be grateful for the time they got to spend together. But being grateful when all you want to do is be sad and frustrated is a very hard thing to do and admire you (or your lyrical you in that sense) for your ability to be thankful.
