Tuesday, November 8, 2011


The sun shines over the city I call home,
The blue ocean sparkles around the edges of the land,
Green hills surround her, covered in houses.
No area remains untouched by human hands,
Or unseen by human eyes,
But she is as beautiful now as she ever was,
I see her from afar and my heart sings,
No matter how long I’ve been away,
I am blown back to her,
And she calls to me “welcome home”.


  1. Oh my God, I just realised I haven't checked your blog for such a long time and tatataaaa 4 new posts! And I only just read the first one -this one here- and I love it! It's like a love letter to Wellington! One little thing I'm missing, though,... there really should be a reference to the wind. Well, a more obvious reference, I should say, because "she whispers" could be seen as the whisper of the wind, I guess... but anyway - I love it!

  2. I have edited the poem to include the wind. I realise that leaving the wind out of a poem about Wellington is the most ridiculous mistake ever, the wind is a trademark and we must honour that. Thanks for the reminder.
