Sunday, January 17, 2010

Beginnings and Decisions

Let's start at the beginning.

For those who aren't familiar with the English language or cannot use Google, obdurate means "unmoved by persuasion", "stubborn", "unyielding".
My opinions can often be one sided and sometimes I will be stubborn and unwilling to change my thoughts on things.
But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to change my mind.
I have friends who seem to enjoy arguing with me or playing "devil's advocate" to try to get me to think outside my own box.

Deciding what you want to do with your life is always hard.

I left school pretty early to follow my dreams in Journalism but am now realising that it's not such a great career for me.
At the moment I'm on a Journalism internship for two weeks, which is not so bad but it's still not like I look forward to going to work every day.
The editor and people in the office are very helpful and nice but it still doesn't make me happy.

It's Sunday already, this weekend has gone far too fast. Means tomorrow I have to wake up at an hour I only just found out existed, 6am.
I guess it's the last week though so it could be worse.

What I want to do now is become a train conductor.

My friend just asked me if I'd like to move to Australia with her in 5-6 years which means I could be a train conductor till we move.

Maybe by that time I'll be more than ready to leave home and this country.

But a lot can happen in 5-6 years. I could find a partner and get married then we'd have to decide as a couple, what we want to do.
Or I might find a partner over there, which would be fine also.

Maybe my job will be so great here and I'll do so well at it that I'll get a promotion and not want to leave!



  1. i've always wanted to be a train conductor! but everyone laughed at me when i said so. people love crushing dreams don't they?

  2. They do indeed. I saw a position for the job on Trade Me but it says you need sales experience which I don't have but once they learn how passionate I am about the job, maybe they'll give it to me! I hope!
