Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Change and the inability to do it

I go to Subway for lunch most days, not exactly because I enjoy it but because it's cheap and relatively healthy and sometimes I do enjoy it, in fact I crave it.
The problem is, I always have the same thing.
Some days I may have a veggie pattie, other days just veggies, even then, they're always the same veggies, always the same sauces, always the same cheese, almost always the same bread.
Sometimes I consider getting different cheese or different sauces but it won't be the same.
I've tried another type of cheese once before, I had to mentally force myself to change cheeses and when I did, the sandwich was average tasting.
Of course, if I was a meat eater I'd have more options to choose from and maybe I would be able to make a change but really, when I was a meat eater, I still had the same thing I do now except with a chicken fillet.
Never any other kind of meat, just the chicken fillet.
I remember the first time I had Subway I had ham. I guess that kind of proves everything, I've never changed, I always played it safe.
Why ham? Because that's what mum used to put in my sandwiches. Fuck knows I probably only had mayonaise in the sandwich too coz any other sauces would have been too far away from my usual.
I don't remember when I got more creative having 3 sauces and having chicken but those three sauces haven't changed since.
The type of cheese has always been the same, and now I'm addicted to doubling my cheese, it's kind of a meat replacement thing.
In Wellington Subway's often they forget to charge you for double cheese coz it gets lost somewhere in the line of people making your sandwich but not where I am now. They ALWAYS charge me for it. It's an extra dollar to have cheese on a footlong.
One time I had a Subway melt. This is an idea someone I know who works at Subway suggested to me.
Cheese, three different kinds, toasted with ranch or italian sauces.
It's bloody good. But I've only ordered it once coz the Subway people look at you weird when they say "what do you want on that?" and you say "cheese, all three kinds", "what salads would you like?" "none, just cheese."
I don't usually like my cheese all melty so I don't usually get my sub toasted, usually fresh but the melt is something that NEEDS toasting, you need to taste the drippy cheese.
Great stuff.
I dunno, am I obsessive? Why can't I handle change? Will I ever change my sauces?
Who knows.
Oh, by the way, I'm resigning on Friday.


1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha! I remember that! The look on your face when you tried the other cheese was - priceless!

    I say: you can't handle change because of your inner German. Your inner German can't handle change either. Neither can I, by the way. I always have the same sub.

    ~ Sabrina ~
