Friday, July 30, 2010


Sirius was bright in the sky,
The night the lights went out.
The world was shrouded in darkness,
But Sirius shone on unaware we were dying.
The power that had always ruled our lives was gone,
Leaving us cold and bored.
The music we thought would go on forever was cut off,
An overwhelming silence ensued, so quiet and unfamiliar our ears could not process it.
No Playstation, no computer, no TV, makes me go crazy,
We never learnt to cope without the technology that robbed us of our lives.



  1. Super Agent SallisusJuly 31, 2010 at 12:17 PM

    Oohhh... scary. But cool. Love your poetry. But you already know that ^^

  2. Just curious, do you know what Sirius is?
    Coz I showed this poem to someone else and they had no idea.
    It's the brightest star in the sky.
